Sunday, September 11, 2011

3 Years.....

This has seemed to become a tradition for me to do a photo timeline for my kids when they turn, once again, another year older.  I actually love doing these posts.  It's so fun for me to look back on how much they've changed....and how they keep their "look" about them, even as a newborn. 

So here's my middle 3 short years. 
The day we became a family of 4!

1 day old (of course with the Skins gear thanks to Daddy:))

1 Week Old

6 Weeks Old

3 Months Old....that boy had his tongue out ALL the time!

Kahler's 1st Christmas

6 Months Old

9 Months Old (I LOVED these pictures!)

1 Year handsome blue-eyed boy:)

A family pic....always one of my favorites!

15 Months Old

18 Months Old

2 Years Old....We knew we were in trouble here!;)

another 2 yr.....

And 3 Years Old!  What a handsome little man you've become K-bub!

Happy 3 years to you!!

1 comment:

Jewel said...

What a cute post! I couldn't tell who he was until the 3 month old pic...and then I could tell by the face!