Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"OUCH!" :(

So Isaac got his 1-year shots today...not so fun! He had 4 total...Ouchie! One on each arm and 2 on his left leg. One of them was for chicken pox and all that fun stuff. He was a MAD hatter when it happened, let me tell ya! I've never seen so many tears come from this kid!

Here is a shot of all the war wounds:) A band-aide on each arm and one on the leg...But he was all better once he had some cheerios...

...and when Mommy rewarded him with a Shrek movie:) Wonderful parenting, huh?!

So far with vaccines we've been very fortunate of no reactions or high fevers, so please pray that continues to not happen for Isaac! :)

1 comment:

darcy said...

Oh... we will pray for no high fevers! Adie's was 104 2 days after these rounds of shots... no fun. Love all his bandaids!!!