Friday, October 31, 2008


....from Kahler & Isaac!!
(Ok so they didn't do a good job taking a picture together..and Isaac just isn't the most smiley boy these days:/ )
But his "pumkin paci" cracked me up!

And Sir Kahler did not disappoint me when it was picture time for him in his halloween outfit! His was super smiley! I didn't know which one I liked best of all these! What can you smiles are the BEST!

And thanks so much to Jill & Nick for the Halloween outfit for him this year! It fits perfectly!
So our Halloween plans are just staying in tonight and having some friends over. Hanging out with the kids and relaxing! Sounds pretty good compared to a night I had pictured before with Isaac fighting me with any crazy costume I would have tried to get him in...and in and out of car seats with these two didn't sound too we'll shoot for next year!


Nick and Jill Juday said...

So glad it fits! The boys look adorable, and I think your Halloween plans sound perfect! :) Congrats on the new nephew as well! :)

Unknown said...

So that you chose to stay in...we went out and just getting in and out of the car 5 times was enough...I won't go again until he is out of a car seat..

Nick and Jill Juday said...

They look adorable! So glad it fit! :) Congrats on the new nephew too! :) Happy Halloween

darcy said...

GOODNESS they are cute! And why couldn't we get Kahler to smile like that for the photo shoot? It's SO CUTE!!!

Anonymous said...

I do have to say that your boys are clones of their parents. Isaac looks like his daddy and I do believe that Kahler is looking like his mommy. Too cute!