Sunday Sept. 19th
Kahler's Birthday PARTY!
Had this one at Sunnyside Park on a great day! The weather was perfect!
Kahler had a Toy Story theme this year for b-day #2....
...and DQ ice cream cake= a classic favorite! Yum!

Thursday evening Papa brought over Kahler's birthday surprise that came in. They give all their grandkids a motorized toy for their 2nd b-days, so this year was Kahler's turn!
He scored a blue Harley motorcycle! He's lovin' it!
He scored a blue Harley motorcycle! He's lovin' it!

Saturday September 18th...we celebrated Maylin's "official" due date! She weighed in at 7 lbs. 2 oz. so I still would have had a smaller babe 3rd time around I think:)
Sunday September 19th she turned 9 weeks that puts things in perspective for ya! She's still so tiny...but growing like a weed to me!

Wed Sept. 22nd I celebrated the big 2-8! I wish I could stay this age forever. 28 sounds pretty good to me:)
And can I just say I LOVE having my bday in September? I get the priveledge of now sharing this month with K-bub, but I've always loved this month with the start of fall and football! What a great month. Good stuff.
So what does a 28 year old do with a newborn babe on her b-day?
Welp, my mom came over in the morning and let me go run errands. I had a few things on my to-do list which included going to FHS to drop off cards, getting my oil changed in the traiblazer (I know...ridiculous!) then eventually making my way to Jules for the 1st time Ever! I thought I could try to find myself a new top of something to spoil myself:)
SO...the morning went fantastic, got in RIGHT away to get the oil changed, which never happens, then had enough time before meeting my mom and Maylin that I went and took some McD's to Brock for lunch. Yep I took HIM lunch on MY b-day. (I'm nice like that:)) And mr. sun DID come out too which made the day even better.
So after I met Mom at the hospital I weighed Maylin then took my little lady shopping with me to Jules. Thanks to a generous gift card from my mom I was able to get a couple fun tops. Super excited about that!
To top off the b-day celebration Brock took me out to Chubby Trout in Elkhart on Thursday night. We've always wanted to eat there so finally took the opportunity. Our friends, the Shepard's came along so it made for a fun evening out! My mom-in-law watched the kids so that was awesome!
And can I just say I LOVE having my bday in September? I get the priveledge of now sharing this month with K-bub, but I've always loved this month with the start of fall and football! What a great month. Good stuff.
So what does a 28 year old do with a newborn babe on her b-day?
Welp, my mom came over in the morning and let me go run errands. I had a few things on my to-do list which included going to FHS to drop off cards, getting my oil changed in the traiblazer (I know...ridiculous!) then eventually making my way to Jules for the 1st time Ever! I thought I could try to find myself a new top of something to spoil myself:)
SO...the morning went fantastic, got in RIGHT away to get the oil changed, which never happens, then had enough time before meeting my mom and Maylin that I went and took some McD's to Brock for lunch. Yep I took HIM lunch on MY b-day. (I'm nice like that:)) And mr. sun DID come out too which made the day even better.
So after I met Mom at the hospital I weighed Maylin then took my little lady shopping with me to Jules. Thanks to a generous gift card from my mom I was able to get a couple fun tops. Super excited about that!
To top off the b-day celebration Brock took me out to Chubby Trout in Elkhart on Thursday night. We've always wanted to eat there so finally took the opportunity. Our friends, the Shepard's came along so it made for a fun evening out! My mom-in-law watched the kids so that was awesome!