Destination: Nashville, TN
Purpose: Business trip for Brock to speak @ a Paxton Patterson Convention
(code for wined and dined at an all-expense paid trip! woo hoo!)
Where we stayed: The Gaylord Opryland Hotel
All decked out for Christmas with 2 million + Christmas lights everywhere! So beautiful!

Nativity Scene...amazing.

The Xmas tree outside of the Convention Center-pretty:)

We're here! so tired too!

The Cascades lobby...this was where we stayed. I could not get over how much was under one roof....10 acres in one hotel! It was incredible! There were at least 4 big lobbies like ours and a "mini city" in another part, along with the convention center. And
I never got sick of looking at all these beautiful lights!! So awesome!

Delta Lobby...also decorated for Christmas

Huge Christmas stockings....very cool

Our room! So nice!

Brock chillin'

The Country Music Hall of Fame!
Architecture of this building is made to look like a record spinning at the left, the windows are supposed to look like piano keys, and the far right (not pictured) is like the front of a cadillac. very cool!
Onto the tour....

Brock and Johnny....buds.

The scribble lyrics to "Days Go By" written by Monty Powell & Keith Urban or course!

The suit...of Trace Adkins...the guy is amazing...and huge!

Brock's floating head:)

Hall of Fame Circle....George Strait...another big fave

Sayin' bye to my man, Tim:) (Brock thought he was staring him down! ha ha!)

Night life strip....Broadway in Music City!

"The Stage" of many places around that had live band entertainment all the awesome!

Brock thought it was funny to put his "G" hat all it was traveling...yeah u get the picture:)

I want this sign! Love it!

Visited our good friend Doug @ work! It was SO good to see him! Funny that he was a high school friend of mine and a college friend of Brock's....coincidence! He's working on his music break like most people there are. He's got a great website up for it out!

Next stop: "The Wildhorse Saloon"....and Brock was being funny again:)

Huge place with line dancing lessons, more live music and good food! We ate dinner there and sat and watched all the fun!

The reason why we were here: Brock's on the agenda!!

I forget how awesome of a speaker he is...did such a good job!

stud. :)

After the convention...

Celebrated our last evening @ Wasabi's...bring on the sushi!! yum!

Last night much fun in Nashville!!