Friday, October 31, 2008


....from Kahler & Isaac!!
(Ok so they didn't do a good job taking a picture together..and Isaac just isn't the most smiley boy these days:/ )
But his "pumkin paci" cracked me up!

And Sir Kahler did not disappoint me when it was picture time for him in his halloween outfit! His was super smiley! I didn't know which one I liked best of all these! What can you smiles are the BEST!

And thanks so much to Jill & Nick for the Halloween outfit for him this year! It fits perfectly!
So our Halloween plans are just staying in tonight and having some friends over. Hanging out with the kids and relaxing! Sounds pretty good compared to a night I had pictured before with Isaac fighting me with any crazy costume I would have tried to get him in...and in and out of car seats with these two didn't sound too we'll shoot for next year!

Lucky #7!!

We are happy to announce that the final Wogoman grand baby has been born! On Wednesday Sept. 29th my brother, Brian and his wife Liz welcomed their 2nd baby boy, Smith Robert into the world:) He arrived that morning weighing a healthy 8 lbs 12 oz and 20 1/2 inches long! Kahler was just an ounce bigger and they're 7 weeks apart to the day! So we love our big boys:)
Here's Brock and I holding 1 of the 3 Wogoman "triplets":) (Kahler is on the left and Smith is on the right...if ya can't tell;))

So now we have Brady (turning 4 Nov 13th), Kylie (2), Isaac (almost 1 1/2), Lincoln (1) and the 3 babies! AHHH! Crazy for our family but we LOVE it!!
Congrats you guys! He is beautiful and we're looking forward to our 4 boys growing up together:)

Monday, October 27, 2008


So, it's been a while since I've blogged...not so much goin' on with the Maust fam:) Just random moments with the this:)....

This is watcha get when my husband gives Isaac a bath...notice ALL of the bath toys dumped in the tub?! And obviously he got bored or Isaac learned how to spell!
And Isaac's face expressions are pretty funny too...I think the last one here is my fav! lol!
I mean seriously...what goes on in my kid's head?

And Kahler's bath time has been fun! He's lovin' his bath now! Although...he's grown a ton since his first bath pics...I cannot believe it!
He likes to look at himself in the mirror while he's getting a scrub down!

And some randomness for ya...
Yesterday was pretty fun...we had our Maust side do family pictures @ Brock's parent's house. It turned out to be a beautiful fall day so we had some single family shots done outside. I'm pretty excited cuz i think we got our Christmas card out of it for this year...we'll see. Brock's side of the fam has 5 grand-kids now, so we're growin'! It gets harder and harder to take the big group shots...or one of Brock's dad's business add of JUST the grand-kids...yeah not so easy! Those will get posted later when I get those back!
But this is what Isaac wore when he was playing outside before the pictures. My family wore dark gray, then the others wore dark brown, black and green. I think it's gonna look pretty neat!
More randomnes...Isaac in the Lightning Mcqueen chair...lookin' pretty chilled out!

Cousins over to play...Isaac thrilled about it too! ha ha!
Well that's it for now! Kahler's getting some 6 wk pics taken by Darcy tomorrow! So hopefully I'll have more to post this week:)
Isaac says "Have a relaxing day!"

Friday, October 10, 2008

Welcome Baby Grady!

My friend Erin's baby boy, Grady, finally arrived last Wednesday! Him and Kahler are exactly 1 month apart, so we're pretty excited for our boys to grow up together...and hopefully become great pals:) He is such a gorgeous little boy too! He was 6.13 lbs and 19.5 inches long!

Of course Kahler looks like a beast next to his new buddy...I'm sure he'll catch up though:)
That evening we got back to my parent's and Kahler and Kloie had some bonding time on the was quite cute!

"Hey! It's a person my size!"
Fun little happenings...hope you enjoyed them!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Wonderful FALL Weekend!

So we had a really busy weekend this past weekend! And LOVED the fall weather by the way! It was so awesome outside and it was fun to enjoy this weekend.
It started off really well with Brock's freshman team having another win on Thursday night over that always puts him in a good mood:) So good job guys!!
Friday night I got to enjoy the football game @ Goshen and they also had a win over Northridge. I only made it to the second half cuz it was cold and I took Kahler with me...but that 2nd half was extremely exciting! So I'm glad I got to go...and Kahler did awesome! He slept the whole time:) So we had a nice evening doing that!
Saturday we spent @ home but had a pretty fun day! Isaac was getting a little stir crazy so I threw on his hoodie and shoes and we went outside to get him some fresh air and just let him run around the house! This could occupy him all day if we let him! He's just so funny when he runs around with his shoes on, so I decided to try to get some pictures of him! The darn kid wouldn't look at me AT ALL! So my silly self was singing goofy songs to him to try to get him to just look at me for a picture....
well he finally did and this is the only picture that turned out-
REALLY good I must say:) I think he looks adorable in this shot...and it made his eyes look perdy:)
Here's some more of him being silly and running from Mommy....

He LOVES to play outback by the waterfall in the back of the house

SO incredibly ornery!
And our little college-goer, Miss Jeni came home from BSU to visit us and Kahler for the first time! That was so nice to see her and catch up! I can't believe you're in college!! SO crazy!
Saturday evening was spent with our friends, the Clarks! They're Michigan fans and so is Brock of course (I am NOT!) But they got Isaac this jersey for his 1st bday and their son, Lincoln also has one...well they both had it on the same day for the Michigan game!:) I like to say it's Isaac's Fairfield jersey too:) So anyways, they brought over some home made pizza which was awesome, and our kiddos played in the basement all evening! Kinda chaotic at times but such fun!

Their daughter Lilly! She is extremely adorable! Brock always calls her his daughter in law cuz she says her and Kahler are getting married:)
1st off: COLT'S WON!! And what an awesome game it was! That always puts us in a great mood:) We had a rather busy day though....
Brock's niece, Kaitlyn had her bday party the same day as my nephew we squeezed in 2 parties into the same day. We headed to Kaitlyn's a bit before 3, then made it to Linc's party @ 5. Kinda crazy!
But, my very adorable handsome nephew turned 1 today!!
He had an awesome party last night with a firetruck theme of course! And he's such a ham so he was very entertaining to watch:)
Here's some pics from the party....
Linc got a firetruck car...hopped right in and Isaac sat in the funny!

Hey there!
Cake time! He dug into the black frosting first! Ewwww! ha ha! That poor Colt's jersey!
My sis-in-law, Liz, Linc, and my brother, Brian
Wow-that's a great cake face bud!!
The cleaning up afterwards! :)
So we had a wonderful, busy weekend!
Now last night Isaac slept horribly and we're praying his ear infection isn't back:( We'll see how he does tonight...or I might be making a doc appointment again:(
What a wonderful Monday:P

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"I'm 3 Weeks Old!!"

So Mommy finally got a picture of me not making any goofy or weird faces at her:)
(with my eyes open too!)
I'm 3 weeks old today, and loving life!...
...and the mini-swing too:)
Have a great Wednesday!!